Thursday, December 31, 2009

A voyage in Space

Speakers on, sit back feet up and enjoy/

This clever piece originated in Australia. It
is so very well done most folks don't realize how much info
he is sharing!
Just click on the link below...... Photos by NASA.

Enjoy your journey!

Click here:

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Education Test

The following questions were set in last year's GCSE
examination in Swindon, Wiltshire (U.K.)

These are genuine answers (from 16 year olds)

Q. Name the four seasons
A. Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar

Q. Explain one of the processes by which water can be made
safe to drink
A. Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes
large pollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists

Q. How is dew formed
A. The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire

Q. What causes the tides in the oceans
A. The tides are a fight between the earth and the moon. All
water tends to flow towards the moon, because there is no
water on the moon, and nature abhors a vacuum. I forget
where the sun joins the fight

Q. What guarantees may a mortgage company insist on
A. If you are buying a house they will insist that you are
well endowed

Q. In a democratic society, how important are elections
A. Very important. Sex can only happen when a male gets an

Q. What are steroids
A. Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs
(Shoot yourself now , there is little hope)

Q. What happens to your body as you age
A. When you get old, so do your bowels and you get

Q. What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty
A. He says goodbye to his boyhood and looks forward to his
adultery (So true)

Q. Name a major disease associated with cigarettes
A. Premature death

Q. What is artificial insemination
A. When the farmer does it to the bull instead of the cow

Q. How can you delay milk turning sour
A. Keep it in the cow
(Simple, but brilliant)

Q. How are the main 20 parts of the body categorised (e.g.
The abdomen)
A. The body is consisted into 3 parts - the brainium, the
borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the
brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs and the
abdominal cavity contains the five bowels: A, E, I, O and U
(What the *!!*???)

Q. What is the fibula?
A. A small lie

Q. What does 'varicose' mean?
A. Nearby

Q. What is the most common form of birth control
A. Most people prevent contraception by wearing a
condominium (That would work)

Q. Give the meaning of the term 'Caesarean section'
A. The caesarean section is a district in Rome

Q. What is a seizure?
A. A Roman Emperor. (Julius Seizure, I came, I saw, I
had a fit)

Q. What is a terminal illness
A. When you are sick at the airport. (Irrefutable)

Q. Give an example of a fungus. What is a characteristic
A. Mushrooms. They always grow in damp places and they look
like umbrellas

Q. Use the word 'judicious' in a sentence to show you
understand its meaning
A. Hands that judicious can be soft as your face.

Q. What does the word 'benign' mean?
A. Benign is what you will be after you be eight

Q. What is a turbine?
A. Something an Arab or Shreik wears on his head

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School History Lesson

History Lesson

The teacher said, "Let's begin by reviewing some American
History. Who said 'Give me Liberty , or give me Death'?"

She saw a sea of blank faces, except for Little Johnny, a
bright Navajo Indian boy, who had his hand up: "Patrick
Henry, 1775," he said.

"Very good! Who said, "Government of the People, by the
People, for the People, shall not perish from the Earth?'"

Again, no response except from Little Johnny. "Abraham
Lincoln, 1863."

The teacher snapped at the class, "Class, you should be
ashamed. Little Johnny knows more about history than you

She heard a loud whisper: "Screw the Indians."

"Who said that?" she demanded.

Little Johnny put his hand up. "General Custer, 1862."

At that point, a student in the back said, "I'm gonna puke."

The teacher glared around and asked, "All right!!! Now who
said that!?"

Again, Little Johnny said, "George Bush to the Japanese
Prime Minister, 1991."

Now furious, another student yells, "Oh yeah? Suck this!"

Little Johnny jumps out of his chair waving his hand and
shouts to the teacher, "Bill Clinton to Monica Lewinsky,

Now with almost mob hysteria someone said, "You little shit.
If you say anything else, I'll kill you."

Little Johnny frantically yells at the top of his voice,
"Michael Jackson to the child witnesses testifying against
him, 2004."

The teacher fainted.

And as the class gathered around the teacher on the floor,
someone said, "Oh shit, we're screwed!"

Little Johnny said quietly, "The American people, November
4, 2008"

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Gimp - Retouching faces

clipped from
 blog it

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Fell Museum

Fell engine. The Fell Museum at Featherston - October 2009 A fell engine.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


With Scott and I at Halswell Tavern 27th September 2009 - Our favourit Alcove at the hotel, but mainly in winter. We stay outdoors in warm weather but it was quite cold on this occasion.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Godwits

The Godwits are back. I heard on the radio two or three days ago, that a few had arrived back. A couple of thousand more are due back during the next couple of weeks, after their eleven thousand kilometer non stop flight - from around Siberia I think. Apparently, when they leave the Estuary here, they fly North West and stop for a rest in an Estuary in the South China Sea area, and then fly on to their final destination. When they fly back to the South Brighton Estuary, they fly right down the middle of the Pacific Ocean non stop. Amazing.

Friday, September 04, 2009


Testing the new cell phone - Samsung f480. The damn thing would not send Email. I went back to the shop with everything in the box to be returned (after spending 2 hours on the phone this morning going through settings with a technician). I almost got into an argument with the salesman. He told me he wanted everything back. He wanted the packet the sim card came in and I told him that it had been thrown out in the rubbish. No packet - no return. That did not go down to well. After trying earlier in the day, he suddenly got it working. He was the same guy who sold it to me on Wednesday. He was not sure what he had done - just fiddled with the settings. Could it be that he did something that should have been done on the day of sale?

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Ron P.

Taken by me in his kitchen today while doing some IPA work. This will be the last pic sent by me old phone. I bought my new one today and I am now on the new Telecom data plan.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


test Scott demonstrating his new mobile phone. I asked him to take a pic and send it to this blog to see how well it could do the job. Not bad for a cheaper phone. I have bee amazed at what this phone can do.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


This picture was taken at about 6 pm on Tuesday 11th August 2009. I took several pictures - so did Ruth. I thought this was the best of mine.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Diary 9th August

Diary Sunday 9th August 2009 It was a very lazy laid back day today. The weather was good. After breakfast, at about 10 am, Scott contacted us - we were expecting him to do so - and asked if he could come over. I arranged to pick him up at 11 am. At a little after 11 am, I sent him a text to tell him that I was on the way. I picked him up and we came directly back to the house. We had a cup of coffee and later, Ruth cooked a light lunch. When Ruth settled down for her rest, Scott and I left and we went to Riccarton Mall and looked around Dick Smith's new store in the new part of the mall - upstairs. We also checked out the Sony Shop - I haven't seen it there before although I have been passed and I think something must have closed down for it to have opened in that location. We went back to Dick Smiths to check something out and then left for home, stopping at Globbalpc on the way. We arrived back at about 3-30 pm and soon afterwards, we set off for our Sunday drive to Tai Tapu. We stopped at the hotel for a glass of wine and after about 45 minutes, we set off home, stopping at Halswell Mall. We got a few supplies from the Supermarket and then came home. Ruth had something cooking in the oven. We had another glass of wine, prepared the vegetables and soon we were sitting down to a meal. Afterwards, it was tv and a computer session, until about 1030 pm, when I took Scott home. Not long after arriving back it was time for bed and the day was at an end.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

John Childs

Taken at Halswell Tavern at about 8-30 pm Wednesday 5th August 2009. John was in Christchurch for a few days and Ruth and I and Nerollie took him there for a few drinks.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


At mid day today, Ruth and I met with members of the I P A for our mid year luncheon. The venue was Hintons, at the top of Wairrakei Road, just before Russley Road. This picture was taken at our table. This was the table that Ruth and I sat at. Ruth is out of view (on the other side of the table to the people shown). I of course, was taking the picture. We were looking forward to the event. Just before we left to attend, I received a Text from Garry H. that Lesley was ill and they could not attend. I put in their apologies. I was a pleasure to meet up with every one and we enjoyed the chit chat. When we had organised the luncheon, we had looked at two or three other venues and we had decided on this location, mainly I think, as not many of us had been there before, whereas, at the other venues discussed, most of us had been to several times. As usual, the I P A contributed to each member and partners dinner. I will now give my (and Ruth's View) of Hintons. We would definately not go again. The meal was as follows. Two dishes - one with cold potatoe salad. I like this dish but here it was not very appetizing. Another salad dish, with Kumara Salad. It was not too bad but cold. The meat dish was thick slices of roast beef. It was cooked around the edges but raw inside. There was about 1 cm around the edges cooked, the remainder was virtually raw and bleeding. I am familiar with "rare" but this was raw. The remaining dish was chicken. I do not normally eat chicken when out, but on this occasion, as there was nothing else appetizing, I ate a piece. It was actually quite nice. There was a dish of "lasagne". I do not normally eat this dish. Everything was "help yourself" so I took a small portion. The long stringy pieces were very thick. The cheese on top - probably parmessan, was hard and dry. The entire meal was poor, not enjoyable and very overpriced. The dessert was slices of cheesecake and a bowl of what appeared to be whipped cream. It was not whipped cream, but that horrible stuff which has an additive, usually icing sugar. I hate it. I was not the only person who had to cut the cheesecake base with a knife. It reminded me of a dish I had recently at a private home - the base being made of mashed up biscuits. It was very enjoyable. The total cost of the meals for Ruth and I was $90.00. We had a glass of wine each. That was $37.00 each for a very unenjoyable meal. For that sort of money, I expect quite a lot. In the last few months, I have had meals at Rossendale, Fleurs at Moeraki and the Cotswold. I may have paid a little more at some of these, but at each, the quality and quantity of food was superb. There were no hot plates for food to be served on. Tea and coffee was available - tea bags only - and no herbal tea - and not offered when I asked for it. I enjoyed meeting everyone - talking to them and looking at the large picture - block mounted on the wall. At first, I thought it was the Waimakariri. Carol was sure that it was. I studied it closely and realised that it was not. The geography was wrong. There was an inland damn with a town at the base. I concluded it was Alexandra and it turned out I was right. Would I go to Hintons again - No. My advice to anyone - spend a little more perhaps - and go to Rossendale or Larcombs. I will put some more pictures of this event here later - Not tonight - I took them at high res and they will have to be "squeezed". Doing bulk image resizing is something I have not achieved on Linux yet so each picture will have to be done manually.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Meeting 16th June 2009

At 52 Hereford Street - The cafeteria - Taken from the table that we had eaten our meal. I was demonstrating sending a picture to the blog via cell phone.